Thursday, 28 April 2016

Koben Systems 11 Million EVCO Grant - Where will we see the chargers?

Soon after the the list of who received the EVCO grant money was released by the province of Ontario today, I reached out to Koben systems asking for comment on who their partners were, they promptly got back to me tonight and this is what we now know.

Koben Systems will be installing 193 Level 2 chargers and 144 Level 3 chargers across 193 locations. Those locations will be at the following partners:

- Tim Hortons

- McDonalds

- Impark (Parking Garages and Lots)

- Triovest (Property Management Company, some of their retail locations can be seen here which will be the most likely candidates)

- TRCA (Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, a list of parks under their control are here)

It looks like a promising group of potential locations!


  1. Thanks Dylan, good scoop you got there! Did you find out if Koben is being backed by a major supplier like GE or ABB (or both)?

  2. Looks like Koben Systems has failed to deliver--Feb 12th and not one system activated out of nearly 400 to be installed. Follow #EVCO Good job Steven DelDuca, Mayor Crombie, Ontario Liberals...good job! Good job Koben Systems, Vic Buraconak President & CEO--this ass maggot has never accomplished anything in his entire life--all he knows how to do is talk and BS everybody.

  3. It looks like McDonalds has been removed from the EVCO list. This really bothers me. I wonder if KSI failed to meet there time obligations and they cancelled the deal. I think McDonalds would be a great place for DCFC stations. (been driving in Ontario for 5 years in iMiev!)

